DOGG AND PONY - AUGUST 2000 / by Dan Keech

I had been working on a Height album for years, but I had to no solid plans to release it. Coming off this first tour, I realized I was alone in wanting to go full bore on this touring MC gig, and that it was time to go out on my own.

Right after the Wounds tour, Dogg and Pony, an NYC comedy/art/rap group made up of Isaac Ramos and BARR, invited me to go on tour with them as a guest MC. I was flattered to be invited to join this group I loved, and I was thrilled to get right back out on the road.

I was the rookie of the tour. They were good to me and I learned a lot from them. While on the road, I showed them my solo songs and they offered to release my album on their Dogg Pony Records.